I have had the honour to be a guest speaker at Annemiek van Helsdingen's Summit:
Root yourself in Soul to navigate the chaos and intensity.
Join us and learn more about how to stay grounded and practices that will help you root your day in Soul - every day.
Our last guest speaker is Jenny Schoenmann. She is a certified Soul-based Coach and she is the author of the Magical Morning Method.
Let her take you into practices that will help you root your day in Soul - every day.
How you start your day determines everything.
And one of the things I love about Jenny, is that it is not about ‘how to push yourself so you can get the most done’. It’s also not about ‘pampering kind of self-care is everything’.
She sets an inspiring example of what taking responsibility for your day can look like. Even when you are a mum in lockdown with your family.
Annemiek van Helsdingen: Founder of the Academy for Soul-based Coaching