Let me be your quick reminder of something very profound:

It is something many of my yoga students as well as my coaching clients struggle with.
And I am not an exception. We are great in feeling stressed, rushed, miserable and unsatisfied - to just name a few. Here is my reminder:
It is ok to feel good.
It is good to feel good. It is actually amazing to feel good. You are good right now!
At this moment as you are feeling good - celebrate it!
Stand up from your chair or wherever you are right now, get your arms, jump if you like - act like no one is watching, they think you are crazy anyway;-) - and please, give yourself permission to feel good - even awesome!
Make it a point to celebrate the good moments!
Decide to have a good day. Decide to have fun.
Decide to even have an exceptional day!
How to practice it every day:
take a pen and paper / your journal
write down what you are grateful for
put a smile on your lips - it’s ok to fake it
let the smile expand to your eyes, heart, and belly
switch on your favorite song & dance record a video of yourself going crazy and send it to me ( just joking ;-) )
It is NOT about neglecting or suppressing uncomfortable feelings, sickness or pain. It is about creating and living a fulfilled life.
That’s what I wanted to remind you of! Let me know if it worked.
From the heart, Jenny