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The Advantage Of The Ayurvedic Clock

Writer's picture: Jenny SchoenmannJenny Schoenmann

Certain periods of the day take on different qualities. Moving through your day according to the rhythm of nature can help you gain energy as you go with the flow.

But as always, don’t get rigid. Take this as an inspiration that gently guides you back to your true nature.

Here is how we can structure our days according to Ayurveda:

6 - 10 am | The morning is Kapha time.

You can balance Kapha with activating the body, like walks, sun salutation, and breathing practice. Have a light and warming breakfast.

Because of the grounding quality of Kapha, it is a good time to work on projects that require concentration. This is the best time for routines and journaling and challenging reading.

On the flip side if you sleep the quality can make you feel heavy, dull, and sluggish.

Maybe you have decided to stay in bed longer because it’s the weekend but when you get up you feel tired and it is very hard to get it going. That’s most likely an accumulation of heavy energy. That’s acting in opposition to the timekeeping for the internal clock.

10 am- 2 pm Pitta time. The most productive time of the day. The digestion burns hottest at this time and it is the best time for having your biggest meal. Pitta rules our analytical mind and therefore we can focus better during these hours. A good time for studying, bookkeeping, and organizing.

But it is also important to not do too many things at the same time to keep pitta balanced. These practices help to keep you balanced.

2 - 6 pm Vata time. The Vata quality might lead you to have a creative peak during this time frame. A good time to tackle problems and make plans. Do activities that involve brainstorming and free-from innovation.

However, abusing Vata's energy can leave you with a feeling of tiredness and an inability to concentrate.

Resist the coffee instead take instead a walk in nature, take a few deep breaths and meditate. More inspirations are here

6 -10 pm Kapha time. Have a light and easy-to-digest meal. Try to sleep. Before 10 pm. Include a short evening routine, like slow yoga, alternate nostril breathing, and reading. Unwinding and relaxation.

10 pm- 2 am Pitta time. This is the time for regeneration and transformation. Time to sleep, rest, rejuvenate, processing food and thoughts.

2-6 am Vata time. Rise before 6 am to cash in on the energizing and creative energy of Vata. This is the best time for spiritual practices. Inspirations are here

I hope you got inspired and remember, to incorporate new routines and healthy lifestyle habits step by step, with ease and joy!

From the heart,


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